About 3 years ago I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, also known as Fibro. I have been in pain daily. Some days the pain is worse than others. I’ve had to learn what triggers flare-ups and I’ve had to learn how to function enough to get things done without doing too much to have to take several days to recuperate.
The holidays can be very hectic and stressful. For a person with Fibro, this presents many problems, many painful problems. Fibro warriors must proceed with caution.
As I prepare for the holidays I plan ahead and set goals for each day leading up to the holiday. Due to fibro fog, I have to actually make a things-to-do list so that I can remember what my plans are for the day.
Planning ahead and setting goals helps alleviate much of the chaos and keeps me from overdoing it. Overdoing it will definitely trigger a flare-up and possibly interrupt the holiday celebration.
I have to plan what day I will cook, what I will cook and at what time. If I need to shop, I know what I’m buying and what store has it. I do my shopping early and if it all possible I shop online to avoid the long lines and crowds.
Fibro warriors plan ahead, enjoy the holidays as much as possible.