During the COVID pandemic, it has been hard for victims to get assistance and even harder to get a temporary restraining order (TPO).
New Jersey is changing that. Victims of domestic violence can now submit applications for restraining orders at courthouses in person with or without an appointment. For the last four months, TPO applications could only be submitted at a police department, where victims have often been turned away after waiting long hours. This experience caused discouragement among victims. Many never returned to seek a much needed TPO.
Beginning August 3, temporary restraining orders can be applied for via telephone with the family division of the court during regular office hours. This change is a result of letters written to the New Jersey state judiciary to reopen the Family Courts due to safety concerns for victims.
The change affords victims flexibility in applying for a temporary restraining order as well as having their applications heard by a judge or domestic violence hearing officer.
Kudos to the New Jersey State Judiciary for this much-needed change.