The most disrespected person in America is the Black Woman. How is that after 55 years this statement is still true?
After the bad news of no charges in the Breonna Taylor’s shooting death I immediately began to feel unprotected, disrespected, humiliated, unloved, and unsupported. As a black woman who has already survived domestic abuse I’m still looking over my shoulders not because my abuser is after me but, because I have no idea if I’m next for a police attack. When my daughters, my mom or my sister leave the house my heart aches.
When black women respond to the abuse, injustice and inequality then we are labeled the “angry black woman” or a “Bitch”.
Sisters, it’s not what they call you it’s how you respond to it. Please set and guard your boundaries, take your power back, demand respect and, empower another sister to do the same!