On June 1, 2020, in Iowa, 37-year-old Zachary Brooks was stabbed to death by a 15-year-old young lady whom he reportedly raped multiple times. Pieper Lewis, now 17 years old was arrested and charged for the death of Brooks. On Wednesday, September 7, 2022, Lewis will be sentenced for the death of her rapist.
I have lots of thoughts and emotions running through me as I read the news report. So while she has been in jail awaiting to be sentenced she is dealing with the aftermath of rape and facing the fact that she may spend the rest of her life in prison.
While Lewis has admitted to stabbing Brooks. I understand that by law there has to be some form of punishment, but should it be for the remainder of her life? Is prison the solution? Where is the justice for Pieper? She was homeless at 15 years old and is now in prison. Will she get counseling and the help she needs to get past the rape and being a victim of sex trafficking? Will she have a chance to live her life? Will she ever be free? I guess we will find out tomorrow.
According to Associate Professor Jodie Lawston, Between 57 and 75% of imprisoned women experienced physical, psychological, and/or sexual violence before prison. . At the end of 2010, it was reported that Black women (133 per 100,000 Black female residents) had an imprisonment rate almost three times higher than that of white women (47 per 100,000); Latinas rate of imprisonment fell between Black women and white women at a rate of (77 per 100,000 Latina residents).
I fear that with the new abortion laws we will see an increase in crimes against women and girls, especially sex trafficking and rape.
Not talking about it will NOT make it go away!