Christ Understands Our Pain!
As Victims of abuse very often we think that we are alone and that no one understands our pain or what we have experienced. I submit to you that Christ understands our pain and all the awful things we have experienced. Christ experienced physical and verbal abuse. People also turned their back on Him.
Yes, Christ sacrificed Himself for us! I am by no means putting myself or anyone else on the same level as Christ. I am simply pointing out that Christ does understand our pain. John, Chapter 15 tells us that, If the world hates you, you should realize that Christ was hated by the world before you were.
Weapons are formed against us, but they have not prospered against us or taken us out. I can relate to the Psalmist of Psalm 55: 12-14 when he writes, “For it is not an enemy who insults me I could have handled that nor is it someone who hates me and who now arises against me I could have hidden myself from him 13 but it is you a man whom I treated as my equal my personal confidant, my close friend! 14 We had good fellowship together; and we even walked together in the house of God!” (Jesus.com)
Christ can also relate to this as Judas ate with Him, prayed, and traveled with Christ, then sold Him out and betrayed Him with a kiss.
Christ was abused and tortured. He was physically and verbally abused. The Pharisees did not want to believe or accept Him. Satan and the leaders wanted to control Christ. People that said they loved Him turned their backs on Him. The people chose to see Christ crucified and Barabbas, the murderer go free. They lined the streets and watched as He carried the cross outside of the city and then they stood around laughing, talking, drinking, and casting lots for His robe as they waited for Christ to die.
As a victim I know that people watched as I suffered, they waited to see what would happen next or how I would respond. They talked about me and made jokes at my expense. There were some that hoped to see me die.
What I and other victims have or are experiencing is not new, as there is nothing new under the sun. In case you are wondering, weapons are still being formed against me, but are NOT prospering.
There are people God has called and qualified to counsel and provide resources for victims to escape the abuse as safely as possible.
The battle is already won! Christ is risen!
It is time for you to arise!
Happy Resurrection Sunday!