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I can’t take it any longer! I’m so tired of hearing about violence against women, police brutality, gun violence, and now war. Where is the love?

If people aren’t shooting and killing one another with weapons then they are killing others with their words. Children are being bullied to the point of suicide.

I dare not make mention of the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you! (Matthew 7:12) Clearly, this is not being taught or adhered to in this day and time.



I grew up in the ’60s and ’70s. I remember hippies, vans painted with flowers, flower shirts, the peace sign. Flower Power is the term that was used. This term was coined by the American poet Allen Ginsberg.
Flower power is a symbol of nonviolence, peace, and love. People wore flowers on their clothing, in their hair, painted their cars and vans with flowers and distributed flowers.
By distributing flowers, candy and balloons were used to de-escalate angry protests. During those day’s anti-war protests turned into street theater, a flash mob or even a block party.

With all that being said I am asking that you join me reigniting Flower Power. If you are like me and tired of the violence, racism, hate, police brutality, gender, financial and race inequality and discrimination, then let me see your flowers.

I want to see flowers in cars, in your hair, on your clothes and shoes, and fingernails. Share flowers on social media.

Plant seeds of love. Let love bloom. Wear flowers, give flowers and receive flowers!

In Flower Power!