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`Today, we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a man of great faith and determination.  Dr. King was a man that willingly stood on the front lines to protect our civil rights.  Time after time he stood on the front lines facing enemies with only his words, while the enemies showed up with weapons and intentions on not just ending his mission but ending his life.


Dr. King was our Drum Major for Peace.  He showed us that the time is always right to do what’s

right.  He continuously reminded us that we are all created equal and endowed with unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

While we have moved forward in some areas we have failed miserably in others. Domestic violence and human trafficking are an increasing pandemic and are in direct violation of the unalienable rights that are promised to us as humans.

Dr. King’s dream was/is for all people; Men, Women, Black, White, Indigenous, and Asian.  Living the dream means protecting and respecting the unalienable rights of every person.

The dream cannot come true or be realized until people are no longer judged by the colo

r of their skin, sexual orientation or gender, economic status.   The dream calls for us to live it publicly and privately, to bring an end to racism, sex trafficking, sexual assault, and domestic violence and/or any other acts that violate our unalienable rights.

Daylight challenges you to live the dream publicly and privately and to protect the unalienable rights of all humans.

